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Level One • Tåsi Certification
Introduction to Tåsi Certification on MixxedFit® Academy
Welcome to Your Journey as a Tåsi Coach
Homework: Introduce Yourself
Important Contact Information
Your Why & Success Plan
Background of Tåsi
Definition: What is Tåsi?
Homework: Definition
Homework: Mission Statement
5 Key Differences
Homework: Section One Written Assessment
Tåsi Basic Moves
Learn Basic Moves (1:20)
Hip Circle (4:36)
Hip Sway (5:35)
Hip Bump (2:04)
Basic Booty Pop
Side-to-Side Booty Pop
Twerk-inspired Booty Pop
Practice Basic Moves: All Booty Pops (8:03)
Body Roll (4:28)
Basic Moves Review (3:50)
Homework: Film Yourself doing Basic Moves
One Hour Tåsi Master Class
Introduction to your One Hour Tåsi Master Class (1:12)
One Hour Tåsi Master Class
Teaching a Tåsi Class
Introduction to Class Template
How to Warm Up Properly
How to Create a Tåsi Routine
Homework: Create a Tåsi Routine
How to Create a Lower-Body and Core Toning Track
How to Cool Down
What Makes an Awesome Tåsi Coach?
Class Management and Responsibility
Where to Teach Tåsi
Final Assessment
Study Guide: Final Assessment
Final Written Assessment
Basic Booty Pop
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